ESG Connect

Our SaaS platform makes your life easier while improving the impact of your investments.

Data aggregation and automated matching

Integration of all data providers, public and financial sources matched through our algorithm.
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Automatic connection to internal customer tools
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Automatic connection and quality control of ESG data providers and public sources
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Automated matching with customizable linkage rules

Data quality control

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Library of customizable controls for integrated data set quality assurance
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Tracking of coverage ratios and implementation of customized proxies
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Customer-controlled data overrides with audit trail of changes
Customized indicator measurements:
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Pre-set regulatory metrics with customizable measurement rules 
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Customized metrics and scores based on granular data 

Cutting-edge features for
advanced ESG analysis


Monitoring and analysis

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Monitoring of ESG metrics at company, portfolio and issuer levels
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Monitoring of sustainability metrics over time
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ESG compliance verification (labelled funds, SFDR minimum share of sustainable investments, etc.)


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‍Add/remove securities from the portfolio or change the weights of securities
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Real-time remeasurement of portfolio metrics to evaluate impact of new allocation
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ESG metrics comparison of simulated portfolio with initial portfolio
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Export to CSV/XLS format


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Monitoring and implementation of alerts for controversy indicators
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Categorization of controversies according to your level of investment
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Qualitative analysis of controversies by your teams
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Controversy monitoring by issuer

Shareholder engagement

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Monitoring of votes at general meetings and analysis by theme
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Recording of engagement approaches (analysis, documents, ...) and monitoring of approaches implemented by the invested company


Regulatory, EET, customer and marketing reporting.
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Consolidate reporting via a single space
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Easily export your reports in .docx or .pdf format from your dedicated space in just a few clicks

Expertise Hub

We help you navigate ESG-related regulatory and labeller requirements with the help of our experts' insights.
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Our experts are available on demand to answer any questions
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Knowledge base: access to over 130 questions we've already answered

Take advantage of ESG Connect

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